Research Activities
Research activities in the Hemostasis & Thrombosis Center cover a broad spectrum of investigative endeavors, ranging from basic scientific studies to translational research and clinical trials. Successful research programs frequently include collaborations between investigators, clinicians, statisticians, and other individuals from different Divisions and Departments within CETH, as well as with collaborators from other institutions.
In addition, facilities such as the CETH Clinical Research Institute, the Center for Human Genetics, and the Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy provide scientific expertise and collaborative opportunities. This environment has proven quite fruitful for active research programs, and forms the basis of the training opportunities for our post-doctoral and clinical fellows, graduate students, and other trainees.
The links at the top of this page guide the viewer to descriptions of individual research efforts as well as Centers and Institutes at CETH. Ongoing clinical research trials in the Hemostasis & Thrombosis Center are summarized in the Clinical Trials section.